What is Sluggish Schizophrenia?

“Sanity was statistical. It was merely a question of learning to think as they thought.”George Orwell, 1984

 1. It is a disability.

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) – d950 Political life and citizenship 

“Engaging in the social, political and governmental life of a citizen, having legal status as a citizen and enjoying the rights, protections, privileges and duties associated with that role, such as the right to vote and run for political office, to form political associations; enjoying the rights and freedoms associated with citizenship (e.g. the rights of freedom of speech, association, religion, protection against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to counsel, to a trial and other legal rights and protection against discrimination); having legal standing as a citizen.”

2. It is a thoughtcrime.

“The Thought Police (thinkpol in Newspeak) are the secret police of Oceania in George Orwell‘s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

It is the job of the Thought Police to uncover and punish thoughtcrime and thought-criminals. They use psychology and omnipresent surveillance (such as telescreens) to search, find, monitor and arrest members of society who could potentially challenge authority and status quo, even only by thought, hence the name Thought Police.[1]They use terror and torture to achieve their ends.

It also had much to do with Orwell’s own “power of facing unpleasant facts,” as he called it, and his willingness to criticize prevailing ideas which brought him into conflict with others and their “smelly little orthodoxies.”[2]

Source: Wikipedia

 3. It’s the result of double-thinking and double-speaking

“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.” George Orwell, 1984

Regarding the administrative appeal for reconsideration submitted to the highest academic authority (aka Rector) at Universidad del Valle: an open message

– I am not intending to put pressure on the Rector’s decision about this appeal.

RECURSO DE REPOSICIÓN contra la Resolución No 502 de febrero 13 de 2015. figshare.

– This matter is about accountability of those who planned and committed my forced psychiatric treatment.
– Because the medical service of the University approved my certificate of incapacity for 30 days putting a diagnosis on it (i.e., labelled for life), the institution is also accountable (not only the direct responsible of this unethical medical intervention).

Dear Rector, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

– It doesn’t matter what you decide about my appeal to the Resolution 502 regarding the future of my tenure at the institution — that’s not accountability (yet).

– Accountability is being demanded at an individual and institutional level.

– I would not be intimidated by the coercion into psychiatric treatment that was “prescribed” to me more than 3 months ago.

– Several articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were violated during this unfortunate event, accountability here involves institutional levels of responsibility.

– Principles of medical ethics were also violated (especially the principle of autonomy)


Dear Professors, Psychiatry Department, Universidad del Valle:

A. This is your argument (please check the date of this certificate)


B. This certificate was issued 2 days after being released of the Mental Health Unit – Valle University Hospital, a place that I arrived after being coerced into psychiatric treatment (i.e., psychiatric repression and punishment).

This certificate, as well as the clinical records at Fundación Valle del Lili (FVL) and HUV, is all you got to support the null hypothesis (i.e., I was suffering an episode of “acute psychotic with predominance of delusional ideas”).

That’s all you got to support the null hypothesis?


One “UNSATISFACTORY”(*) professor  — evaluation of my academic performance according to the health faculty council — (December 2, 2014) — with a hypothesis regarding political abuse of psychiatry at Universidad del Valle to suppress dissenting ideas about the safety and effectiveness of active pharmacological principles (including — but not restricted to — psychiatric drugs).

(*) capital letters in the official records at the University.

The only persons which can defend the validity of the null hypothesis are the twelve professors of the psychiatry department at Universidad del Valle.


For now, I can’t read nothing answering my claims that political abuse of psychiatry was committed against the author of this post. I never expected to receive such an ill treatment at my own alma mater. Right now, if anyone is thinking to get a Ph.D at Universidad del Valle, do so if you wish. But keep this in mind: (1) A diploma doesn’t necessarily makes you a competent biomedical researcher; (2) Better not to be competent if you are going to perform real scientific research, you can get a certificate that you are mentally ill, only after two years that the Rector gives you a diploma on a boring ceremony; (3) You found a research area that doesn’t threat private interests (e.g., pharmaceutical companies). If that’s the case, please tell me what it is, because I think that it’s the same even after travelling to a different planet on another galaxy.

J. Ioannidis: Science at-Large on Planet F345, Andromeda Galaxy, Year 3045268

Now, Back to the central point:

C. The certificate was issued one day after I submitted this letter to The BMJ: http://www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f6754/rr/816737

D. Summarizing:

  • This is your argument (plus the clinical records at HUV & FVL):


  • This is just one example of my arguments to support the hypothesis explained above in this same post (incorrect diagnosis: it’s a sluggish schizophrenia).

Re  Putting GlaxoSmithKline to the test over paroxetine   The BMJ

Read more: http://www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f6754/rr/816737

More arguments

1. Is the pharmaceutical industry like the mafia? Yes

2.  Second request of retraction: Clinical Practice Guideline of Adult Depression | Three Questions

3. The meta-analysis of published and unpublished studies of agomelatine is misleading

4. While I was at the FVL (Dec 8, 2014) —  a hospital where I first arrived without my prior consent (i.e., involuntary placement) mentioned in the clinical record that an antipsychotic was recommended because of my mental condition and delusional ideas.

The argument in the clinical record went further by recommending quetiapine and lorazepam for my “psychiatric condition”, medicines that were going to be given to me when I wake up. The clinical record also states that forced administration of midazolam and haloperidol (IM route) will be used in case I refused their suggested treatment (i.e., quetiapine plus lorazepam). Fortunately, I was transferred before waking up to the Mental Health Unit (HUV). I wake up to next day (Dec 10, 2014) and I was released after a 10 minutes psychiatric interview (enough time apparently to make a psychiatric diagnosis: “acute psychosis with predominance of delusional ideas”).

I would like to discuss with all of you the safety and effectiveness of quetiapine:

– Psychiatric research misconduct at the University of Minnesota: CAFE study (NCT00034892)

Restoring invisible and abandoned trials  a call for people to publish the findings   The BMJ

Doshi Peter, Dickersin Kay, Healy David, VedulaS Swaroop, Jefferson Tom. Restoring invisible and abandoned trials: a call for people to publish the findings

 8. Institutional policy for disability and inclusion at Universidad del Valle.


  • I would like to repeat the beginning of this post:

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) – d950 Political life and citizenship 

“Engaging in the social, political and governmental life of a citizen, having legal status as a citizen and enjoying the rights, protections, privileges and duties associated with that role, such as the right to vote and run for political office, to form political associations; enjoying the rights and freedoms associated with citizenship (e.g. the rights of freedom of speech, association, religion, protection against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to counsel, to a trial and other legal rights and protection against discrimination); having legal standing as a citizen.”

– I would like to quote two excerpts from the policy for disability and inclusion at Universidad del Valle.

“Que la Universidad del Valle reconoce la presencia de población con discapacidad y dentro de su compromiso de aportar para la construcción de una sociedad democrática, justa e igualitaria, ha aunado esfuerzos con el afán de atenuar la situación de discapacidad de las personas en ésta condición y equiparar sus oportunidades con respecto a los demás dentro del ente educativo: en el marco de sus posibilidades y alcances, la Universidad progresivamente ha condicionado el campus universitario para hacerlo más accesible (Plan Maestro), brinda apoyo para la adaptación del puesto de trabajo para los docentes y empleados no docentes con discapacidad, otorga exenciones en la matrícula financiera para los estudiantes con discapacidad (Resolución No. 1632/1995 de la Rectoría),”…

…”Incluir dentro de los procesos de salud ocupacional un programa de apoyo para los empleados docentes y no docentes con discapacidad que garantice su permanencia en igualdad de condiciones y adaptación de puestos de trabajo acorde con sus particularidades funcionales.”…



Could we begin to talk about what I wrote just hours before being silenced by coercion into psychiatric treatment?

9. —

Editing Part III — Whistleblowers and Psychiatrists

 10. —

Editing Part III — Whistleblowers and Psychiatrists (1)

…”every case in which suppression is vigorously opposed is a warning to vested interests that attacks will not be tolerated.” — Brian Martin


Read more:  Part II — Whistleblowers and Psychiatrists: Sluggish Schizophrenia.

  10 comments for “What is Sluggish Schizophrenia?

  1. March 29, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    Reblogged this on Chaos Theory and Human Pharmacology and commented:

    “A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide.” —Mickey Mantle

  2. September 3, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    Years ago I noticed in some searches, regarding the topic suggested by a co worker of Prozac interfering with college level learning retention, that there were meta analyses showing
    that the contribution to improved wellbeing and functionality across all of world society over the previous decade of prescribed antidepressants, was exactly zero. One of the more prominent contributors was, I believe, “Black Dog University” in Australia.
    I was startled by that at the time, having been raised to believe in the beneficence of these medications. I rationalized my thinking by adopting the notion that in patients who were ‘really sick’ from significant depression the meds ‘were probably’ efficacious, and it was all the random prescribing by primary care physicians and by psychiatrists, to get squawky patients off their backs, that skewed the data toward ‘lack of efficacy.’
    Look like that evidence was correct all this time.
    So…..if the Universidad del Valle calls, just give them the name of my co worker (available on request) please (PLEASE!!!)

    • September 3, 2015 at 11:44 pm

      Dear Marc, thank you for your comment. Nevertheless​, I don’t entirely understand your argument. What’s your point?

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